Village: An subtle Introduction for dummies

Village: An subtle Introduction for dummies

Before you start reading further, I would like to tell you one thing that you may be offended by things written in this article.(And by the way, who the hell cares if you get offended by The Truth)

One Very good work was done by the arrangement of the village and the city.The good thing is that the people who were the best stayed in the village and others who considered themselves educated went to the city. We will live in a rented house in the city.

By taking loans, they will become slaves of the banks. To show themselves as rich, they will take car, air conditioner, fridge, big TV and other expensive things on loan.We have to show how developed we are.These people will spend the whole life going round the banks and spending the whole life paying the loan interest and paying the loan.

Even though these people consider themselves educated, in reality, these people are educated fools.Those who show off how sociable we are.
Village is not just a two letter word, it is an emotion.

Village means real prosperity means.Village means peace. You may be very surprised to know this if you do not have any experience in the village.I am talking about my village, even today buttermilk and curd are not sold in our village.Milk was not even sold until a few years ago until the system of milk dairy had not started. It is not sold means people give these things for free.This is because people here believe that selling such things for money is a sin.

How is it morning in the village?The chirping of birds in the morning is very beautiful.Sometimes I just think that this bird might be trying to tell us, "Get up brother, get up, how long will you keep sleeping?Isn't there any business?"

Well, that is just a joke.But if I talk about the morning in the village, the women of the house gets up first.After getting up, first of all, they clean the courtyard of the house.Then there were other household chores.After that we do "manmar", and let me tell you that "mangu" does not mean breakfast at all.Breakfast means eating everything lightly, it is called breakfast.

Shiraman is a word of our Gujarati.Which means hot bajra rotla with desi ghee and hot vegetable along with jaggery.Wow, my mouth is watering while writing this.Tea has also started trending a few years ago which is good.I will write about this in detail.

Then in the morning, after doing Shiraman, people start preparing to go to their respective work.The exit gate in the village is called Japan. In the morning, when people leave to go to their work, it is as if a fair has come.I love seeing this scene very much.Whenever I go to my village, I go outside the village this time in the morning to see this place.

There is a Japanese village, there is a very big pond nearby and there are many trees on the banks of the pond where birds sing.On the one hand people go to their work early in the morning and on the other hand the chirping of birds is a very beautiful sight.Some people may not feel it, but if you observe everything carefully, then you will also get used to seeing this scene.

He used to be alone there, who did not have any work or business, who used to observe everything while sitting empty.

There is a temple by Lord Shankar on the same side.The village elders also used to sit there.And there was so much rationality in what those people used to say, which is not even in a self - shaped and developed speaker.There can't even be a comparison between them, where is the best scholar of the village and where is the indulgent, dependent, educated mental slave of the city.

Kher, I was talking about the elders of the village who used to sit in the temple of Lord Shankar outside the village early in the morning and discussed.

Out of that, I will describe the discussion of one time.This happened some time back when I went to my village. At that time there was talk of the so-called virus COVID-19.

One of the elders said that "they are all fearing without a reason, it is just a common fever."The second father said, "It is true that if a person stays in the field for a few days, then all his diseases like autumn and fever will go away."Such a reasoned conversation can only lead to this. And on the other hand, the self - mental slaves wearing "female" etc.were roaming around like zombies.

These educated mental slaves do not know that any disease can be treated in a natural way and can also be done by the products of pharma companies, the only difference between the two is that there is no side effect in the natural way and the other It is not even known when which disease emerges from the side effects in the method.

I'm speaking for myself, I've never taken a cold or fever pill as long as I can remember.Diseases like cold have friendly diseases.This disease cleanses the body.I have seen people taking pills even for such a common disease without knowing their side effects.

Well, I was talking about the village this morning. In the morning people go to work.Some go to the farm with a tractor, some go for their personal business.On the other hand, the children are going to school.On one side the sun is slowly rising.On the other hand women go towards the pond to wash clothes etc. It is not that it is a water problem due to which one has to go to the pond to wash clothes, but here water comes in the house every day, when it is needed.Because only the people of our village turn on and off the water, we do not have to depend on any municipality of any government.

If there is an occasion in someone's house and there is no water, then the person who has taken the responsibility of turning off the water makes a phone call to him and the water turns on.Enough.

In our country, a disease has increased very fast for the last few years and has progressed very fast.The name of this disease is the disease of becoming an "English" or "Tagalog".This disease is found only by educated people.The blind imitation of the culture of the countries in America and Europe is the main symptom of this disease.

If I talk about normal things like clothes, then we feel that if we wear the traditional clothes of our country, then we feel that we will not look cool.That's why we wear foreign clothes in which we have the illusion that we look "cool".But it is a matter of misfortune that we take pride in considering the clothes of foreign culture as paramount to the clothes of our own culture.

If I talk about language in the future, then what should I say?We have taken the English language as a sign of intelligence.If a person knows English or is speaking English, then we think that he must be a very intelligent person, even if he does not have the ability to analyze logical thoughts, even if he does not think independently of his mind.

That's why I sometimes say that there is such an education system in our country that more a child stays in it, the more he goes away from his cultural tradition.Because the child's morale goes down in the school itself, the inferiority complex arises towards the country, for this the school books and the mental slave teachers of the school do their best. It is not that all teachers are of this type, some are also good, but the number of these good teachers is only 2-3 out of 100, 000, not more than this.

It means children are brainwashed in school in such a way that there is nothing good in our country, all the good things are in foreign countries only.I am learning this from my experience.

I remember in our 8th or 9th class social science book there was a lesson about exploration of different places in the world like those who discovered what (migraines, Vasco da Gama and some other people had more discoveries).So we used to have a teacher of that subject, "was" because I had no respect for these Zandu teachers.I remember one thing from that teacher even today, he said one thing which I remember equally, he said that "Look these people have searched so many places but the people of our country have done nothing".
At that time I didn't have enough information etc.

That I could answer that Zandu teacher, today I have a very accurate answer for her.If I had known about it at that time, I would have replied to something like, "I am talking to you BDSM, do you even know the history of these or not!?Columbus or Vasco da Gama were not good people, they were robbers.

They were terrorists, have you read their true story??Columbus who reached America by mistake, because of that crores of natives of America were brutally killed. Jewelry and gold and silver were looted and taken away. Do you know something?Just like this I would have replied to that Zandi teacher.

Well, I didn't even know where it reached, I was talking about the morning routine of the village.Before that, if I talk to the well olheiled of the city, they will wake up late in the morning because they are awake like owls till midnight. So it is natural to stay up late in the morning.After getting up, they will go for a run wearing half clothes, then they will consume stuff some garbage like bread, bread, Fast food etc.