Fkd Up Independence of 1947

Do we have anything left to be proud of today? Do we take pride in speaking our language!? No, we do not feel the same pride in speaking our language as in speaking a foreign language “English”. Then are we proud of our costumes, do we even wear our costumes? No, we don't even like our costumes, why? Because we think that we will not look "cool" in it. But we wear foreign costumes like this and on top of that we feel proud in such a way that don't ask. Today this disease is seen in the people who have some education. I respect those who hold such views with words like 'educated fool' and 'mental slave'. Now completely opposite to this, if a person wears our dress like dhoti, kurta, turban, which is the dress of different regions of the country, then the same mental slaves look at that person with inferiority complex, consider them illiterate and stupid. Such Chamans call themselves developed.

 The reason for this, there is some similar environment around us. The roots of this environment go back to about 186 years ago in 1835 when Chadarmod Macaulay started distorting India's social system, language culture, education system and history.

 Even after independence, today our education system, judicial system, our medical system, governance system, our lifestyle, our thinking style, means everything except our body is foreign. Not only this, we shamelessly take pride in all these foreign things. If we had control over the body, we would have got the body changed as well.

 Today we need everything with proof. The reason for this mentality of ours is many hundreds of years of slavery. I mean to say that today our ability to think has become very weak. Something like the frog of that well, who has not seen anything outside the well and because of this he is considering the well as the world.

A look at the conspiracies against the history of India:
 It is our misfortune that many of us today have absolutely no idea about the true history of our nation. If I had, I would not have needed to write this book today. If you ask an educated person today, that is, who is well educated, 'How much do you know about our history!', then unfortunately he cannot go beyond the English and the Mughals, at most Chanakya-Chandragupt and Sikandar. Everything will be blank in front of him. The unfortunate thing in that too is that he does not have correct knowledge about that much history, he will tell the same adulterated history which is written by the British. Because in school, he has been taught the same history written by the British. After the so-called independence, the same history which was written by the British was continued by the leftist and court historians of our country by copy pasting which you and I have read in school.

 Well, in the last 300 years there have been many conspiracies against our nation and our nation's history. This 300 years includes the slavery of the British as well as the last 70 years of so-called independence. I am speaking about the so-called freedom because in 1947 our dear, beloved, apple of our eyes uncle Nehru had made an agreement of our freedom with the British. There was also one thing in that agreement that the history which will be taught in the school will not write the truth about the British. It means that the atrocities committed by the British on the innocent people of our country, looted our property and took them to their country, not only this, lakhs of people were killed in those 250 years, this truth should not be known to the coming generation of the country. Rather the opposite has to be written in history. Like how India was a completely backward country before the arrival of the British and the British came and "civilized" the people here. Our former “PHD” Prime Minister Manmohan Singh spoke about “the British civilizing India” in England when he went to Oxford in 2005 to get his doctorate degree.

He is not the only one to speak this type of thing, but from Chacha Nehru till now many such leaders who still consider the British as their father have spoken and have spoken shamelessly. However, the history which was to be distorted in the agreement of independence, was started to be implemented after the Nehru government got the order on that. Our dear, beloved, uncle engaged more than one leftist historians (who didn't know anything about history) on this task. These leftist historians destroyed our real history and put their whole life in writing their propaganda history. All these leftist historians were working on the same template of Macaulay and Max Muller. For this work, these historians have been given big honors by the same governments.

 Today this conspiracy is going on against our history in two main ways. One by mixing wrong history in the history books of the school so that our children can be demoralized in the school itself and the other through the field of art-literature and entertainment. In earlier times, there was very little propaganda in the films that were made, but nowadays the investment of foreign capital in India has increased, because of this, the kind of films and online web series that are being made today, only propaganda against the nation is there. Is. The main objective is to divide the society into two parts.

If we talk about school history first, we are taught that 'Dakko da Gama' had "discovered" India, so he is presented as a hero in many ways. Means a terrorist is taught in the schools of our country as a courageous hero. As if he has done a great favor to India by coming to India. Abe... He was a robber, a thief, used to go to new places only and only with the aim of looting. When he came to India, he had looted tons of gold, silver and many other valuable things from India too. But no, we are told in school books that he "discovered" India. As if India would have been immersed in an ocean before the arrival of the instrumentalist 'The Gama' and he would have lifted India out of the ocean with the help of his personal hands.

 Well, our country was attacked by terrorists+murderers+robbers+brutal Mughals, they continued to persecute the people of our country for 300-400 years. People were forcibly converted to their religion, those who refused to leave their religion were brutally murdered. Hundreds of people committed suicide because they could not accept even dying at the hands of these terrorist rascals. Tried to destroy our civilization. Don't know how many libraries were burnt, lakhs of books were burnt in which our history and priceless knowledge and science were contained. Thousands of our temples were destroyed. But despite all this, he could not completely eradicate our culture. The only difference between the Mughals and the British was that the Mughals only used force, but the British directly attacked our spine, that is, our education system.

The British knew that if India has to be enslaved and if India has to be ruled for a maximum period of time, then this work cannot be done by force. The pride that the people of India have in their knowledge, science, history and culture has to be destroyed first. We have to convince them i.e. the people of India that your culture-tradition, history and knowledge-science are below us. Inferiority complex has to be generated in the people of India.

 The same thing was said by Lord Macaulay in the Parliament of Britain that "If we want to keep India as a slave, physically and mentally, then we will have to propagate this thing again and again that our civilization is more developed and great than their civilization, speaking English language. And wearing English clothes is greatness. If we have to rule India, then the people of India have to be made mental slaves first. We have to make such a system that if an Indian comes out after studying, he will be an Indian in physical appearance but his thinking will be what we want.

 Today, even after 75 years of so-called independence, Macaulay has many of the same system going on. Today in our country, those who come out of that system look like Indians physically, but mentally they are foreign slaves, they are mental slaves. It is common among these mental slaves to slander about their tradition and culture, but at the same time blindly imitating a foreign culture and taking pride in it. Above all, this well-educated Chaman calls himself developed.

Well, Howard Zinn, who became a historian in America, said one thing, "If you do not know your history properly, then it is just like that, you were born only yesterday and if you do not know any person, whatever your History can tell by speaking and you will be forced to accept it as truth.” This policy was used by the British. They destroyed our history and wrote history according to their own. After that, when the alleged independence was achieved, the leftist and anti-national historians carried forward that work.

 The British wrote that the history of India is only 3000-3500 years old. According to the so-called Aryan Invention Theory, about 3500 years ago the Aryans came to India (did not say where they came from) and then started living there. Before that there was nothing here. The reason why the British wrote our history in this way was to prove their Bible to be correct. Because according to their Bible the world was created 6000 years ago and the first man also came at the same time. That's why the British had to fit everything in 6000 years. But when he came to India, he saw that our nearest documented history only goes back to about 9 lakh years. I am talking about 'Ramayana'.

Earlier the British considered it right to reject all these history books of ours and said that this is all imagination and myth, the world was created only 6000 years ago, there was nothing before that. Because this is what is written in our Bible. "God" created the world 6000 years ago. Here it is very important to understand one thing that "God" does not mean God, the definition of "God" and the definition of God are completely different. Well, according to the Bible, "God" created the light on the first day, "God" created the sky on the second day, "God" created the land, sea, and trees on the third day, "God" created the sun and the moon on the fourth day. Pay attention, the sun was made on the fourth day, the sun was made on the fourth day, the sun was made on the fourth day, you are understanding that the sun was made on the fourth day.

 I have no problem with the fact that whoever believes in making the sun the fourth day, that is their problem. I have a problem when these same people try to degrade our great and glorious history by calling it "Myth" and "Epic".

 The British did this because their main objective was to enslave India as well as to convert the whole of India into Christianity. But or it is the misfortune of this country that there were so many big conspiracies against us, but these things are completely missing from the history of the school. We are told that the aim of the British was only to rule and trade in India. There is no mention about enslaving or Christianizing India.

In 1856-1857, the main goal of the British to start using cow fat in the guns of Indian soldiers was Christianization in India. The cartridge that was used at that time had to open its mouth, so that its lid could open easily, so something like this had to be used to close that cartridge so that it would remain lubricated. At that time oil etc. was not something, otherwise the fat of animals was used. At that time it was not even that cow's fat was cheap, so it was used. The British deliberately used cow fat because they wanted to Christianize India.

 When the soldier opened the cartridge with his mouth, the fat of the cow would also touch his mouth. Because of this, people used to boycott that soldier by calling him unholy. Then Christian missionaries and churches would give shelter to these soldiers, then they used to think that these people are very good people. Then his interest in these Christian churches started increasing, due to which his conversion to Christianity gradually became easier. But this claim of the British did not last long and a rebellion broke out. Hardly do you know that at that time the British had left because of the rebellion, then India was completely independent, that means not a single Englishman was left on the land of India. But after that the British came back again with the help of some traitor kings of India and suppressed that revolution.

 All these incidents were not written by the leftist historians of our country, but these leftist insects, whom they consider their father, "Karl Marx" have written very impartially in their book "Notes on India".

India and America:
 If I talk in the context of today's time, today we have to become that type of world power again, which we were from Chakravarti Samrat Maharaj Mandhata to Chakravarti Samrat Maharaj Vikramaditya, then today we will have to use all those conspiracies for some time. Does or has been doing for the last 200-250 years. They did it for their selfishness but we will do it for the welfare of the world. Now what did they do to increase their dominance in the world, we will talk further about it, but before that let us know the history of America in brief.

 Today people in America are really educated, they are not fools like us. Means they have the ability to think logically, they are proud of their country and their culture. Although their history is not even 500 years old, but they are proud of their history. They know that 'Yes, we fought with the British Army and chased them away, we rebelled against Britain, fought a war. They didn't take freedom by begging like us, they chased away the British and declared themselves independent. However, those who declared themselves independent after fighting Britain were not natives of America, but they too had migrated to America originally from European countries.

The form in which you see America today, its history is only 450-500 years old. The whites who live in America today were all settled from Europe, before that there used to be natives, their number is less than 1% left today. Today's America is a country built on the dead bodies of millions of natives.

 Christopher Columbus, who allegedly discovered America, used to go in search of new places on behalf of the King of Spain so that he could go there and loot, in that loot there was also a share of the kingdom of Spain and the Pope. Children in our country's schools are taught that Christopher Columbus was an adventurer, a hero, but in reality he was a murderer, a robber and a terrorist.

 While searching for Christopher Columbus, on October 12, 1492, he found a land where people and their civilization were developed and prosperous. The main objective of Christopher Columbus was to loot and secondly to forcibly convert non-Christians into this religion. This order was given by Pope Nicholas V in 1452. He had declared war against all non-Christians around the world. Christopher Columbus was doing the same thing after going to America. Later Christopher Columbus took the entire army from Spain to America. Later, the natives living in the American land were destroyed by these Iseos. With slavery, war and inhumane acts, Christopher Columbus and the people who came with him completely destroyed a developed culture, a land and a civilization. One who does such work cannot be declared as a hero.

Crores of natives who were called Red Indians were put to death in this attack of Columbus. In a way, it was the biggest massacre of that time. Around 10 crore Red Indians were brutally murdered at that time. Because he was a non-Christian.

 After all this, now people from Spain, Portugal and other European countries started going towards America and they started living by capturing America's resources as much as possible. Till now Britain had become powerful, due to this vehicle, now Britain's influence on America started increasing. By 1610, Britain had taken America under its control. Britain ruled less than half of what is today the Americas, with the rest still under Mexico. The people who settled in America from the countries of Europe were called “Settlers”. Britain wanted to expand its empire. They used to attack the rest of the part which was still with Mexico but they were suffering more losses in those attacks.

 Due to this, Britain has now made a border line till the land that was under it, that now no settlers will cross this line. Because there was a danger to Britain that if we go further now, then there can be a fierce war with Mexico. But the settlers refused to accept this. Now the settlers were also increasing their area. Due to this, there used to be repeated conflicts with the remaining Red Indians and then due to this, the European settlers and the British soldiers who came to defend them also died. Now it was under British rule. That's why it used to follow the orders of Britain. Due to this repeated conflict with the Red Indians, the Britishers made laws that till now they were limited to the amount of land they had, now someone would be able to occupy new land and also made some such laws as because of these settlers. Now these Red Indians should not be harmed in any way.

Because of these laws, these settlers started having problems. Due to this these settlers revolted against the Britishers. This rebellion lasted from 1775 to 1776, in which the British were defeated. These settlers declared themselves independent on July 4, 1776, this event is called "Declaration of Independence". They also became independent from the British, but this was the difference between our freedom and their freedom, they chased away the British by fighting and declared themselves independent, not like us, they took freedom from the British by begging. The people there still remember those talks about how we rebelled against the British and chased them away. But unfortunately we don't even know the reason for our freedom which had to be given to the British under compulsion and on top of that we still believe in bullshit like "Ahimsa", "Charkha", "Satyagraha".

Story of India's Independence:
 We were also independent, but the difference between our independence and America's independence is that they declared themselves independent and the British passed the law "Indian Independence Act 1947" in their Parliament and gave us freedom in begging. It was also his compulsion to give freedom by making this law. The British handed over power to their pet, Chacha Nehru. The decision to make him the Prime Minister was also of the British from behind the scenes so that whenever necessary in the future, he would help the British to enslave India again, like in 1857 some of India's traitor Chadarmod kings helped the British. Was in making that revolution a failure. Later they got entangled in the cold war with the Soviet Union, then the British could not get a chance, otherwise the British had the same idea that they will make India independent for now and when they get a chance, then with the help of their pawns, Nehru, on India. Will control

 There were some evils in Mohanbhai Gandhi, as he had made many agreements with the British many times with great intensity and had also cooperated with the British, but if this aspect of his was kept aside for a while, then many of them There were good things too. Like he openly opposed Christian missionaries. He knew everything that how these Christian missionaries used to convert the poor people of India into Christianity by luring them, that's why Mohanbhai used to expose them with the help of his news magazine. Perhaps this was one of the biggest reasons why he did not get the Nobel Prize. Because those people did not give any respect to such a person till that time, who was against the Christian religion or the missionaries who converted to Christianity. No matter how good that person is.

Most of the people who call themselves educated, live their life like a 'mental slave' and behave in the same way. Vested interests, showing inferiority towards those who have less knowledge than themselves, insulting people who are weaker than themselves, mocking their culture and tradition with low vision, not considering their language as inferior to foreign language, all these are the main features of those mental slaves. is a symptom.

 intellectual slavery
 As I told earlier that our education system, which is the gift of the British, is such a system that the longer a child stays in this education system, that means the more he studies, the more he gets away from our cultural tradition. He goes away. In a way intellectual slavery, vested interest and physical happiness go on the path of darkness.

 People who call themselves educated but do not have the ability to think logically, that species is called educated fool and 'intellectual slave'. In our country, the development of this species has happened very fast in the last few years. This species considers foreign culture more superior than its own culture. Foreign language is considered superior to its own language.

 The arguments of these educated fools are also very strange. Whether he knows English or not, he will still talk in broken English, even if it is on social media. If we do chatting, we have to do it in English only, even if we have to use Google Translate, that is a different matter, because we have to look “cool” by speaking English.

Today, the disease of becoming English in our country has taken a very dangerous form. Today this disease has spread a lot because of the brainwashing done in the school. Let me tell you a story, this is about the son of a relative of a friend of mine. He went to a place to see the girl. The boy and the girl liked each other and everything went well. Then slowly both took each other's number and started talking on "Whatsapp". The funny thing starts from here.

 The girl used to speak in English, but this boy did not understand English. There is nothing wrong in this because English language is a foreign language, so if he does not know it then it is not such a big deal. So because of not understanding English, that boy used to answer in his own language, Gujarati that "I didn't understand what you are saying", something like this. This kind of thing happened many times. Literally because of this, that girl later refused that boy that she should not marry me now. When my friend told me this, my reaction was something like this, “What…? What…? What the F**k!!!”

 You can understand from this that mental slavery has taken deep roots in our country because of this education system, school and school flag teachers. If the girl's teacher had told her that there is nothing wrong in speaking her own language other than English, then this kind of accident would not have happened. That's why I say that today schools are not temples but have become factories for brainwashing. If we want to save our future generation from this disease, then we should stop sending them to these schools. I am not saying this out of exaggeration, but with full discretion after thinking.

We should understand that the education system in our country today has been made in such a way that the more our children go to school, the more they are moving away from their culture and tradition. A sense of vested interest is being born in them. In them, the ability to have restraint, morality, discretion and rational thinking is slowly disappearing.

 Fortunately, today we consider a foreign language as a sign of understanding and intelligence. If someone does not know that language, then he is considered stupid and illiterate. Don't know in this country, nowadays everyone who calls himself educated looks at his own language and culture with inferiority complex and has started imitating foreign culture blindly. I call people who do this as mental slaves.

 75 years ago in 1947, when we were allegedly freed, we became physically free, but mentally we were still slaves and are still slaves today. Don't know why some educated fools take pride in wearing English language and English clothes as their fathers and grandfathers are from there, but when they see someone speaking their own language, they consider them as fools and sleep. How rude people are. You will definitely get to see this thing in old Bollywood movies.

 I don't have any difference about language, language is just a means to make someone understand and it should be treated in the same way. I also read English books, listen to English songs, watch English movies, so I agree, as said earlier, that I have no difference of language. But there is definitely a difference between independence and dependence.

Most of the people who consider our culture inferior and understand foreign language culture above us are the ones who have more school education. Those who did not go to school take pride in their language and culture and also look at the culture of others with the same eyes. This is our moral value. We do not look down upon any person. If someone has good things to say to us, then we must accept them, this is the specialty of our history.

 From childhood, we are told about western countries in such a way that sometimes we start thinking that if we would have been in any of those countries. I would like to talk about the school here first because it is the place from where our brainwashing takes place first, from where we start brainwashing. Our teachers sincerely brainwash us.

 The world again at the door of slavery:
 This question must have arisen in our mind that what can be the benefit of anyone by doing all this. Why would anyone waste their energy in spreading such propaganda. You should know today that the way the elites of Europe who had kept the entire world as slaves except a few countries, from 500 years to the last 50 years, today they are dreaming of getting back that golden age of theirs. Time should be turned back and the whole world should be enslaved again. Golden time was only for them, for the rest of the world it was like hell. At that time, along with the elites of Europe only, the elites of America have also joined. Those elites want to enslave the world in two main ways, one political and the other religious.

The main objective of those elites is to bring the whole world under one government, that means there should be only one government in the whole world and their rule should be in the whole world, that is "One World Government". But if all this is to be done, first of all it is necessary to destroy the local system, civilization and culture of the countries of the world. That's why those elites support the rebels in those countries and help in every way from weapons to money. Due to which those rebels overturn the throne as soon as they become more powerful than the power and themselves come to power. They then have to accept everything said by those elites. If they don't agree, their condition would be like that of Saddam Hussain and Bin Laden.

 Hardly do you know that Saddam Hussain was nurtured by American elites to fight against Russia. But when Saddam Hussain started underestimating America like he decided to sell his oil in gold or dinar instead of US dollar. What was to happen then America invaded Iraq by making "democracy" a sister and got Saddam Hussain hanged. This is his real power.

 Now the eyes of these elites are on our India. America or its elites cannot directly attack India like they did in Libya, Syria. That's why those people are conspiring against India. This conspiracy is of two types, cultural and economic.

 Presenting our culture, tradition and our moral values ​​in a perverted form in the cultural conspiracy, due to which our future generation, which is educated but does not have the ability to think rationally, is being influenced by that propaganda and goes against its own tradition and culture. Will keep a sense of inferiority and will go on turning away from it.

Then it will be very easy to take them towards momentary physical happiness because till then it will be impossible to differentiate between true and false and worthy and unworthy. They will indulge in whatever gives them happiness for some time. Today it is because of this reason that the number of weak men and weak women is increasing in such a quantity. I am talking about mental weakness.