Fkd Up Education System

I ask you a very simple question, are we more free today in 2023 or were we more free 100 years ago in 1923?

So your answer can be that "What is this question, of course we are independent today. Bapu had scared away the British with his personal stick in 1947 and had given us freedom. We are independent today."

But it is true that people in that slave India were more free and independent than we are today.  He took pride in speaking his own language, for him no foreign language "English" was paramount.  He knew the difference between independence and dependence.  He used to wear the costumes of his country and also took pride in it.  But is there such a thing today?  One of the main reasons for this mental slavery is our education system.

Today we are constantly moving away from our culture.  The main reason for this is our education system.  I am not exaggerating.  If you see today, the more educated a person is, the more he is away from our culture.  Equally it is of indulgent nature.  All the time he is busy thinking how to benefit me in any way.  That's why in this first part of this independence, I will review our education system.

The education system of our country is still the same which was created by Macaulay in 1835, a quarter of two hundred years ago.  Even after the so-called independence, not even a comma was changed to a full stop.  Because the British had put some conditions in front of Jawahar Bhai that if you want to become the Prime Minister, then you will have to accept these conditions, one of those conditions was that the education system that is going on will remain the same even after 15 August 1947.  Jawahar Bhai said "Ok Sir".

If he didn't say OK, then the British would have handed over the power to the Indian Army, because there were only two reasons for the departure of the British, one world war and the army rebellion in 1946, which started with the inspiration of Subhash Chandra Bose, the first Prime Minister of united India.  Apart from these two reasons, there were no other reasons due to which the British had to leave India.  The British wanted to rule here forever, and it would have happened that even today we would have been slaves of the British if the Second World War had not happened.

Like Canada or Australia today, we would have been the slaves of Britain, the Queen or King of Britain would have been the Queen or King of India.

Well, this is also a broad topic, a huge two-two-and-a-half kilometer long article can be written about it.  Hope you have understood the history of this education system.

One of the main objectives of this education system that Macaulay created was to make the people of India mental slaves.  The people of this country may look like Indians physically but they are slaves mentally and slaves do not have any thoughts or ideas of their own.

The British knew that if India has to be enslaved and if India has to be ruled for a maximum period of time, then this work cannot be done by force.  The pride that the people of India have in their knowledge, science, history and culture has to be destroyed first.  We have to convince them i.e. the people of India that your culture-tradition, history and knowledge-science are below us.  Inferiority complex has to be generated in the people of India.

The same thing was said by Lord Macaulay in the Parliament of Britain that "If we want to keep India as a slave, physically and mentally, then we will have to propagate this thing again and again that our civilization is more developed and great than their civilization, speaking English language And wearing English clothes is greatness. If we have to rule India, then the people of India have to be made mental slaves first. We have to make such a system that if an Indian comes out after studying, he will be an Indian in physical appearance but his thinking will be what we want.

Today, even after 75 years of so-called independence, the same system of Macaulay is going on.  Today in our country, those who come out of that system look like Indians physically, but mentally they are foreign slaves, they are mental slaves.  It is common among these mental slaves to slander about their tradition and culture, but at the same time blindly imitating a foreign culture and taking pride in it.  Above all, this well-educated Chaman calls himself developed.

The strange thing is that the goal of Mecole was not much successful during the British rule, but after this so-called independence, it started becoming successful, as time passed, after this so-called independence, the more success it achieved,  And don't even ask today.  Today if Mecole Heaven (Heaven is the concept of the Bible, it does not mean heaven, the definition of both Heaven and Heaven are opposite), today if Mecole would be feeling proud of himself seeing this India from Heaven, that today it  It is visible from the Indian body that he is an Indian but mentally he has become a slave of foreigners.  There is pride in foreign language, pride in foreign clothes, pride in foreign food, pride in being foreign and the list is very long.

And even in schools today the same thing is promoted that how foreign countries are better than India.  I remember I was in 9th or 10th class, then we had a teacher, he used to talk something like this, how Asian countries like Japan, South Korea are also ahead of our country, and what are the arguments given about this.  They have better trains than us, metro, better roads etc. than us, etc.  I too did not know anything at that time, we were children, so we used to accept whatever the teacher told us.  But if I knew as much as today, I would have told that Zandu teacher who was praising Japan, Korea etc. countries from our country, "Bitch! Do you know that these so-called developed countries you are talking about are still political  slaves of America, do you know the history MF!"  In this way, he would have answered him lovingly in his own language.

Well, I was a bit carried away by emotions.  If I tell in brief what is taught in schools today, then this country is only 3000-4000 years old and nothing was kept in this country, English came and developed this country, otherwise India was a poor country, here people lived in forests.  Used to do  The British made us civilized and the Mughals taught humanity, compassion and economy to this country.  Otherwise we used to live in forests and eat leaves of trees.  And I am not exaggerating, our school books are full of this nonsense.

The matter of history has come up, so let me start with history itself, what kind of history is taught in our school.  First of all, it is taught in our school that our country is not very old, it is only 3000–4000 years old.  This thing was written in the time of the British, as far as I remember, it is the contribution of Thierry Chadermod Max Muller.  The main purpose of the British to cover the history of millions of years of our country in just 3000-4000 years was that they had to prove their religious book Bible correct and historical.  The main objective of the British and the Spanish-Portuguese people to enslave the countries of the world was to make the whole world Christian.  That's why he had to fit the whole world in that book of his.

For this work, the British appointed Max Muller in India.  Max Muller first came up with the Aryan Invention Theory, according to which Aryans came to India about 3500 years ago and started living here.  Before that there was nothing here.  The reason why the British wrote our history in this way was to prove their Bible to be correct.  Because according to their Bible the world was created 6000 years ago and the first man also came at the same time.  That's why the British had to fit everything in 6000 years.  But when he came to India, he saw that our nearest documented history 'Ramayana' is about 9 lakh years old.

Earlier the British rejected all these history books of ours and said that this is all imagination and myth, the world was created only 6000 years ago, there was nothing before that.  Because this is what is written in our Bible.  "God" created the world 6000 years ago.  Here it is very important for you to understand one thing that "God" does not mean God or God, the definition of "God" and the definition of God are completely different.  Well, according to the Bible, "God" created the light on the first day, "God" created the sky on the second day, "God" created the land, sea, and trees on the third day, "God" created the sun and the moon on the fourth day.  Pay attention, the sun was made on the fourth day, the sun was made on the fourth day, the sun was made on the fourth day, you are understanding that the sun was made on the fourth day.  If the sun was formed on the fourth day, then how did the three days happen!?  Well, that's their problem.

So in this way the British wrote the history of our country in their own way by distorting it.

Today in this country, the school is most responsible for making innocent children mentally slaves.  Just a small example of how the slavery of foreign language is heavily promoted in these schools.  Christian Englishmen who attacked our country, who looted our wealth, killed lakhs of people in 200 years, and today the language of these Chadarmod Englishmen is given the most importance in the schools of this country.  Today the slavery of language is increasing at a very rapid pace in this "independent" country of India.  Today, efforts are being made to impose this language of slavery on the children more and more from the schools itself.  I remember when we used to study in school, English used to start from 5th standard but for some time efforts were being made to teach this language from 1st standard and this year as per the new education policy all taught this language from 1st standard.  Will go  It means that we have become mental slaves of this level, considering Indian as everything and any foreign language.

As I told earlier that our education system, which is the gift of the British, is such a system that the longer a child stays in this education system, that means the more he studies, the more he gets away from our cultural tradition.  He goes away.  In a way intellectual slavery, vested interest and physical happiness go on the path of darkness.

People who call themselves educated but do not have the ability to think logically, that species is called educated fool and 'intellectual slave'.  In our country, the development of this species has happened very fast in the last few years.  This species considers foreign culture more superior than its own culture.  Foreign language is considered superior to its own language.

The arguments of these educated fools are also very strange.  Whether he knows English or not, he will still talk in broken English, even if it is on social media.  If we do chatting, we have to do it in English only, even if we have to use Google Translate, that is a different matter, because we have to look “cool” by speaking English.

Today, the disease of becoming English in our country has taken a very dangerous form.  Today this disease has spread a lot because of the brainwashing done in the school.  Let me tell you a story, this is about the son of a relative of a friend of mine.  He went to a place to see the girl.  The boy and the girl liked each other and everything went well.  Then slowly both took each other's number and started talking on "Whatsapp".  The funny thing starts from here.

The girl used to speak in English, but this boy did not understand English.  There is nothing wrong in this because English language is a foreign language, so if he does not know it then it is not such a big deal.  So because of not understanding English, that boy used to answer in his own language, Gujarati that "I didn't understand what you are saying", something like this.  This kind of thing happened many times.  Literally because of this, that girl later refused that boy that she should not marry me now.  When my friend told me this, my reaction was something like this, “What…?  What…?  What the F**k!!!”

You can understand from this that mental slavery has taken deep roots in our country because of this education system, school and school flag teachers.  If the girl's teacher had told her that there is nothing wrong in speaking her own language other than English, then this kind of accident would not have happened.  That's why I say that today schools are not temples but have become factories for brainwashing.  If we want to save our future generation from this disease, then we should stop sending them to these schools.  I am not saying this out of exaggeration, but with full discretion after thinking.

We should understand that the education system in our country today has been made in such a way that the more our children go to school, the more they are moving away from their culture and tradition.  A sense of vested interest is being born in them.  In them, the ability to have restraint, morality, discretion and rational thinking is slowly disappearing.

Unfortunately.  Today we consider a foreign language as a sign of understanding and intelligence.  If someone does not know that language, then he is considered stupid and illiterate.  Don't know in this country, nowadays everyone who calls himself educated looks at his own language and culture with inferiority complex and has started imitating foreign culture blindly.  I call people who do this as mental slaves.

75 years ago in 1947, when we were allegedly freed, we became physically free, but mentally we were still slaves and are still slaves today.  Don't know why some educated fools take pride in wearing English language and English clothes as their fathers and grandfathers are from there, but when they see someone speaking their own language, they consider them as fools and sleep.  How rude people are.  You will definitely get to see this thing in old Bollywood movies.

I don't have any difference about language, language is just a means to make someone understand and it should be treated in the same way.  I also read English books, listen to English songs, watch English movies, so I agree, as said earlier, that I have no difference of language.  But there is definitely a difference between independence and dependence.

Most of the people who consider our culture inferior and understand foreign language culture above us are the ones who have more school education.  Those who did not go to school take pride in their language and culture and also look at the culture of others with the same eyes.  This is our moral value.  We do not look down upon any person.  If someone has good things to say to us, then we must accept them, this is the specialty of our history.

From childhood, we are told about western countries in such a way that sometimes we start thinking that if we would have been in any of those countries.  I would like to talk about the school here first because it is the place from where our brainwashing takes place first, from where we start brainwashing.  Our teachers sincerely brainwash us.

It means that children are brainwashed in school in such a way that there is nothing good in our country, all the good things are in foreign countries only.  I am telling this from my experience.  I remember in our 8th or 9th class social science book there was a lesson about exploration of different places of the world like who discovered what (Columbus, Vasco da Gama and some other people had more discoveries)  .  So we used to have a teacher of that subject, "was" because I have no respect for these Zandu teachers.  I remember one thing of that teacher even today, he said one thing which I remember equally, he said that "Look these people have searched so many places but the people of our country have done nothing".

At that time I did not have enough information etc. that I could answer that Zandu teacher, today I have a very accurate answer for him.  If I had known this at the time, I would have replied something like, "Hey BDSM, do you even know the history of these!? Columbus or Vasco da Gama were not good guys, they were pirates. They were terrorists,  Have you read their correct history!? Columbus who reached America by mistake, because of that crores of natives of America were brutally killed. Vasco da Gama, that scoundrel, many ships loaded precious diamonds, pearls, jewelry and gold from our country.  - The silver was looted and taken away. Do you know anything?  Just like this I would have replied to that Zandu teacher.